Manuscripts will be accepted for review with the understanding that it has been submitted solely to LASU Journal of Economics and has not been published elsewhere either in whole or in part.
- To ensure the integrity of the blind review, authors should delete their names from the main text. Detailed title page must be submitted in a separate file.
- The title page should contain the title of the paper, names and addresses of the authors. The corresponding author should be indicated for multiple authorship.
- The manuscript should be well-organized technically and should include the following:
The main body (Introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations)
- 3 to 5 Keywords describing the subject area of the manuscript and JEL classification Code must be included.
- Abstract must be between 150-200 words and should contain objective, justification for the study, methodology used, main results and conclusion / recommendations.
Text Format
- Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft word document file format. Text must be single spaced, Times New Roman: and font size 12. Manuscript should be set at traditional settings (top and bottom margin at 1 inch and the side margins at 1.25 inches) with page number assigned to each page.
- Manuscript should not be more than 8,000 words including appendix and references.
- Substantial quotations within the text are not indented, but are printed in II-pt with a blank line above and below; quotations of fewer than 4 lines to be included in the main text.
- Single quotation marks should be used, with double quotation marks only for quotations within quotations. British English (rather than American) spelling is preferred. ‘Per cent’ should be used where the figure preceding it is given in words (‘seven per cent’), % where it is given in number (‘53.6%’).
- Headings and sub-headings:
- Title should be centred in bold lower-case (12-pt)
- Author’s Name (12-pt Small Caps)
- Author’s mailing address and institutional affiliation (12-pt italic)
- Email address (10-pt)
- Main Headings should be centred in Small Capitals (12-pt)
- Sub-headings should be centred in italic (12-pt)
- Sub-sub-headings should be from the left margin in italic (12-pt)
- All illustrations (figures, charts, tables) should be correctly labeled with sources and titles and inserted within the appropriate point of the text. Tables, figures and charts should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals. All illustrations must be in black and white.
- All equations should be specified using the ‘Equation Editor.’
- Footnotes should be avoided where possible, and should only be used for further explanations if necessary.
- References
The LASUJECO adopts APA referencing style, authors are to comply strictly with the style for in-text citations and end of report referencing. Please refer to the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition, 2014 version)